We offer a personalized support service when desired, in different forms, according to each person's needs and places of residence. This service is offered before, during and after the reunion, if applicable. We may meet with you individually or chat with you in telephone conversations or other communication media.
By being a member of the Retrouvailles Movement, if the reunion is made by the CISSS/CIUSSS/SASIE, you can request to be accompanied by the Mouvement Retrouvailles. If the person you are looking for accepts, we will be at your side.
Note that our organization works only with volunteers, concerned by the post-adoption/reunion. Their experience is based on what they have been through and on the years of self-giving that each person has. We are not psychotherapists, psychologists, social workers or other professionals, and we may not be able to provide adequate follow-up. In such a case, we notify our member and suggest other avenues.